Since 2005, "Integra" promotes the establishment of technology enrich the poor and struggle of ores and industrial raw materials, processing where traditional way a loss.

A combination of poor enrichment of non-ferrous metal ores, based on a combination roentgen radiometry separation and photo separation followed gravity enrichment slice concentrate.

In 2006, the industrial test tungsten ores in one of the fields in Uzbekistan that led to the development of production regulations for industrial processing of ores and begin working on the development of a field. The specialists firms unable to find the processing of uranium enrichment factory, which enables cost-effective to recycle waste polluting environment and receive high-quality tungsten concentrate.

Currently, the company has a combined enrichment technologies poor gold and polymetall ores some of Russia and Uzbekistan waste production.

"Integra" technology enrichment meet the major challenges to engage in the exploitation of technological commodities scarce metals, while improving the environment and social situation in the region through the creation of new jobs.
